Analysis of errors on area and perimeter in some Invalsi questions


  • Ivan Graziani
  • Stefano Babini


Verticality, INVALSI, Area and perimeter


Many errors in mathematics are related to different reasons and to bring them back to the simple “have not understood” is too trivial. We carried out a research by submitting to 748 students (133 of Primary Schools, 249 Secondary Schools and 366 High Schools) some items taken from specific issues and retrieved thanks to the Gestinv platform. The aim of our research was to see how concepts like perimeter and area could be internalized and there were misconceptions in the various school orders. We also had the aim of verifying if recurrent errors, apparently linked to a wrong understanding of the text, are linked to other reasons as an incorrect learning of the presented concepts. Often the learning of important concepts in mathematics is ephemeral, because it is not correctly internalized by students who soon forget what they think to have learned. In our work we will present three items chosen in the space and figures that show how students, even of higher orders, can make mistakes that we would not expect from those who have been attending school for several years.

Author Biography

Stefano Babini

Professore a tempo indeterminato di matematica e fisica. Appassionato di problem solving, di comunicazione didattica e delle nuove tecnologie applicate alla didattica (docente da diversi anni nelle classi 2.0). Si occupa inoltre di processi di apprendimento e di valutazione in vari contesti formativi e di sistema. Collabora da anni con l’INVALSI (Istituto Nazionale per la VALutazione del Sistema educativo di Istruzione e di formazione).


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How to Cite

Graziani, I., & Babini, S. (2019). Analysis of errors on area and perimeter in some Invalsi questions. EDiMaST: Experiences of Teaching With Mathematics, Sciences and Technology, 4, 609–622. Retrieved from



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