Privacy Statement
This Policy, issued pursuant to Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter "GDPR"), is intended to illustrate the methods and purposes of the processing of personal data by EDiMaST and/or its legal representatives (hereinafter referred to as EDiMaST) through the website (the "Site").
The processing of your personal data will be carried out in full compliance with current legislation on the protection of personal data.
EDiMaST reserves the right to update the following Policy at any time and to make users aware of it through the use of the most appropriate tools. For any information, you can write to the email address
Collection and use of personal information
Personal information is data that can be used to identify or contact a particular person. You may be asked to provide your personal information when you register on the Site or come into contact with any EDiMaST contact or other registered users.
The Site is configured in such a way as to minimize the collection and use of user identification data, excluding processing in all cases where the intended purposes can be achieved by other means.
It should be noted that this Policy is to be considered as referring and applicable only to the Site, without extending to pages or sites accessed through links and/or managed by third parties.
Therefore, users are invited to read the relevant privacy policies, for a more detailed understanding of the processing, carried out through such third party sites.
Type of data collected and processed
Data for the correct provision of the service
The user as a reader of the magazine, author or reviewer may have a personal profile (hereinafter mentioned with the equivalent of account, profile, user profile) on the Site. The magazine is freely available, so readers can visit the Site as guests or freely register on the Site by creating their own personal profile.
Authors and/or reviewers must have a personal profile on the Site in order to perform this role (for more information see: Purpose of processing personal data). The following is a list of the methods used to create user-profiles and the data collected during the creation phase.
- When the user creates an account, the following personal data is collected: name, surname, e-mail address, the username (automatically generated if not explicitly indicated). The user who wants to enrich his profile can specify additional information including biography, signature, profile photo, etc.. Therefore, the user who prefers to avoid or limit the collection of their data is invited to provide only the information required to properly create their user profile.
- When one or more authors submit an article, a review or any other material for publication through an EDiMaST referent, if they do not have a user account, one will be created on the basis of the information that is provided during the submission phase. Therefore, users are invited to create their own personal profile on the Site. If the user has already published with EDiMaST and has not previously created a personal profile, he can request access credentials and customize and/or update his profile.
- When one or more reviewers are invited to review content for EDiMaST, if they do not have a user account, one will be created for them. Therefore, users are invited to create their own personal profile on the Site. If the user has already reviewed one or more of the contents published on the Site and has not previously created a personal profile, he can request access credentials and customize and/or update his profile.
- The sending of any personal data by the user, such as, for example, name, surname or e-mail address, implies the inevitable acquisition of the same by EDiMaST and their subsequent processing to respond to requests received and/or to provide the requested service. Therefore, the user who prefers to avoid the collection of his own data is invited not to send any request or, at least, to provide as little personal data as possible.
Purpose of the treatment
We may process your personal data for the purposes described in this Policy with your consent, to comply with legal obligations to which EDiMaST is subject or if we deem it necessary for legitimate interests pursued by EDiMaST and its representatives or by third parties to whom it is necessary to provide the data.
Personal data are processed by EDiMaST within the limits and for the sole purpose of providing the services accessible through the Site:
- The personal data collected during the creation of one's own user profile and to be provided obligatorily by authors and/or reviewers allow the association of published/revised content with the corresponding authors and reviewers.
Each author who has already published with EDiMaST can access at any time to his personal account to view their publications and submit new ones.
Any reviewer who has already collaborated with EDiMaST may at any time access his or her personal account to view revised publications or accept new requests for revision. - Email addresses may be used to send important and/or periodic communications. For example: Call for Papers, updates of the following Policy, notification of acceptance of your publication, notification of publication, etc.
Methods of processing
All personal data are mainly processed by electronic means, however, processing by paper means is not excluded a priori.
The treatment will be carried out exclusively by subjects duly authorized to do so, in accordance with the provisions of applicable law.
The same data will be kept in a form that allows the identification of the user only for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which such data were originally collected and, in any case, within the limits of the law.
Communication of personal data to third parties
No data will be disclosed or communicated to third parties, except on the basis of the express and specific consent of the person concerned.
It is understood that users' personal data may be disclosed to third parties, such as police forces, whenever required by a rule of law or by a measure of a competent authority.
Data integrity
EDiMaST takes all necessary security measures in order to minimize the risk of destruction or loss, even accidental, of the data, unauthorized access or processing that is not permitted or does not comply with the purposes indicated in this document.
User rights
EDiMaST shall provide confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning the user, even if not yet recorded, giving notice in an intelligible form, if the latter so requests.
In addition, the interested party has the right to request, in accordance with current legislation:
- access, updating, rectification or, when interested, integration of the data;
- cancellation, anonymization, blocking of processed data or limitation of processing;
- opposition to the processing of personal data.
The rights listed above may be exercised at any time, freely and without difficulty, by sending a request to the e-mail address
Cookies are small strings of text that the websites visited by the user can send to his navigation terminal, on which they are stored and then sent back to the same sites the next time the user visits.
While browsing the Internet, the user may receive two different types of cookies: those of the same site visited by the user (so-called "First Party Cookies"), or those of different sites or web servers (so-called "Third Party Cookies").
Cookies, however, can be further distinguished according to the purposes for which they are used: some allow better navigation of the user (so-called "Technical Cookies"), others allow you to monitor the navigation in order to profile preferences and habits (so-called "Profiling Cookies").
What cookies does the Site use?
- Technical navigation or session cookies to manage the navigation and authentication of the user.
- Functional technical cookies to store customizations chosen by the user, for example, the language.
- Technical analytics cookies used to learn how users use the Site or to determine the number of views or downloads of content.
EDiMaST does not use profiling cookies or third-party services that allow recreating an explicit profile of the user accessing and/or browsing the Site.
The use of technical cookies and the carrying out of the processing related to them does not require the prior consent of the user, in accordance with the privacy regulations in force.
Other technologies
- EDiMaST Analytics: to monitor for statistical purposes the number of downloads, views, etc. of content on the Site. The information collected is completely anonymous and in no way unrelated to the user who concludes a download, displays an article or creates a link. The data is collected in aggregate form and is also used to recommend content to all users of the Site.
- Google Analytics: to collect anonymous and aggregate statistics on the use of the Site. For further information, please read the privacy policy of Google Analytics.
- Facebook SDK: to provide full integration with the services offered by Facebook Inc. Currently, the site integrates the following technologies: Facebook Group Widget. Please read the Facebook Privacy Policy for more information.