“Scicafè” project: scientific orientation and life skills


  • Paolo Martena
  • Piera Ligori I.C. Calimera Caprarica Martignano (LE)


skills, good practices, didactics for skills


In the first half of this article the pedagogical significance of the concept of ‘skills’ is described.

The object of this didactic model is to find a balance between the development of the personality of the individual and the ability to capitalize on personal life plans in the context in which they are found.

Working towards the development of skills means a teacher must put students in challenging situations, drawn from the real world, in a complex network of situations and relationships. Small centres are the ideal place for planning and the realisation of real situations in which every student is motivated to use their own resources, interior and exterior: knowledge, skills, enthusiasm, tools, and artefacts, and above all, to collaborate with both peers and adults connected to the project.
In the second part of the article, good practices for didactics for skills is described, as carried out in an Italian middle school.
The methodology used is didactics for projects which is completely in line with didactics for skills: the classes involved are invited to organize a scientific aperitif for the local community, with scientists of international fame. The organization is entrusted entirely to the class project leader but cannot be accomplished without the help of fellow students, local Council administrators, and associations.

Author Biography

Paolo Martena

Docente a t.d. di Matematica e Scienze presso l'I.C. "Serra" di Crescentino (VC).



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How to Cite

Martena, P., & Ligori, P. (2021). “Scicafè” project: scientific orientation and life skills. EDiMaST: Experiences of Teaching With Mathematics, Sciences and Technology, 7, 1–16. Retrieved from https://www.edimast.it/index.php/edimast/article/view/74



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