Basic geometric-trigonometric equalities and problem-solving: Linear and angular elements


  • Panagiote Ligouras


Mathematics, Teaching, Geometric equalities, Trigonometric equalities, Angular elements, Linear elements, Problem solving



This paper presents some equalities that we consider useful for the resolution of general high school level geometry problems. The presented equalities involve the use of linear elements and angular elements at the same time. The objective of this work is to monitor, on a small scale, the skills and knowledge acquired by students in the eleventh and twelfth school year (L11 & L12) in an Italian region named Apulia. This goal has been achieved by mean of different exercises where we asked 27 students:

  • recognise the structure of proposed equality;
  • resolve expressions with equalities.

Results are reported and discussed.


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How to Cite

Ligouras, P. (2018). Basic geometric-trigonometric equalities and problem-solving: Linear and angular elements. EDiMaST: Experiences of Teaching With Mathematics, Sciences and Technology, 3(3), 549–565. Retrieved from



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