Flipped learning – Why teachers flip and what are their worries?
Didattica, Esperienze didatticaAbstract
Flipped learning (FL) in mathematics has recently attracted considerable interest around the world. It raises the question of whether humanist perspectives, such as freedom, dignity, and potential of humans, should have a higher profile in teaching and students’ learning in mathematics. This article has used data collected from an open questionnaire where 33 Finnish teachers illustrate why they flip their learning culture in the first place and what are they worries about flipping. The main aim of this article is to offer theoretical and emotional support for teachers’ enthusiasm to change their learning culture in a more student centred approach and raises the discussion about what flipped learning really is. What are its pedagogical assumptions? After strengthening our theoretical understanding about why flipped learning seems to be functioning so well we can also better understand what is central in the approach to what we are trying to achieve by applying it.Downloads
How to Cite
Toivola, M. (2016). Flipped learning – Why teachers flip and what are their worries?. EDiMaST: Experiences of Teaching With Mathematics, Sciences and Technology, 2(1). Retrieved from https://www.edimast.it/index.php/edimast/article/view/27
Experiences & Research Articles